The Journey

08-2024 | New Singles Out Now: „On the Road,“ „Soul Sisters,“ and „Run Baby Run“

Great news, everyone! Yesterday, we dropped our three brand-new singles:

„On the Road,“ „Soul Sisters,“ and „Run Baby Run“ on all streaming and download platforms.

We had an absolute blast recording these tracks, and we’re super excited to hear what you think of them!

And here’s the scoop: these singles will also be part of a new EP „Reloaded“ that’s about to be released, so stay tuned for more updates.

We also had an amazing time playing at DIE NULL last night and can’t wait to do it all over again this coming Saturday, 31st of August. 

DIE NULL is Munich’s first alcohol-free beer garden and a really cool project that’s helping to revitalize the Bahnhof district. We’re thrilled to be a part of it and to support such a great initiative.

For more info about DIE NULL and the artists performing there, check out these links:

In the meantime, give our new tracks a listen, share your thoughts with us, and come out to catch us live – we can’t wait to see you there!

08 – 2024 | PRUNK live in August

We’re excited to announce that PRUNK will be hitting the stage in Munich not just once, but twice!

On August 24th and again on August 31st, we’ll be bringing our unique Funk Rock sound to DIE NULL, Munich’s first alcohol-free beer garden. Located at the west entrance of the Old Botanical Garden, this awesome project is all about revitalizing the Bahnhof district – something we’re thrilled to support.

We’ve got two brand-new songs in our setlist, and we can’t wait to see how you guys react to them!

Plus, there’s some great news from the studio: the recording for our second EP is going super well, and we’re planning to drop the first tracks in September. We’re pumped to share our new music with you, both live and online.

So come hang out, dance with us, and experience PRUNK in full force – we can’t wait to see you there!

For further information regarding DIE NULL, pls checkout

07-2024 | Tracking for EP#2 just started

We have some exciting news for you! PRUNK has officially started recording our new EP. Scheduled for release this summer, the second EP will feature three brand new songs that we are sure, will captivate you.

The recording process is in full swing and everything is going smoothly so far.

One highlight of this process has been the inclusion of Andi’s eDrum set. This approach was new to us and has significantly simplified the drum recordings, allowing us to capture the desired sounds directly and precisely.

As always, we are staying true to our DIY spirit and are producing everything ourselves, in our small yet cozy studio. Without famous producers, relying solely on our creativity and skills, we are crafting authentic and unfiltered music that truly reflects what PRUNK is all about.

The basic tracks are already in the can and sound fantastic. Next up are the vocal recordings, where Yiella will bring all her energy and expressiveness to the table.

We will, of course, keep you in the loop and provide regular updates on our progress. Stay tuned and get ready for a hot summer with new music from PRUNK!

PRUNK - back to full strength

06-2024 | Meet the fourth prunk – Andi on drums.

We are very happy to announce that we are permanently back to full strength.

As some of you may have noticed, Andi has been with us for quite a while now.

During this time, Yiella, Chris and myself realized that Andy is the perfect fit to us. That he makes us sound better. Groovier, even tighter as a band.

He’s simply the type of drummer we’ve always been looking for.

Somebody who does not only come with skills for days, but with whom you can enjoy spending time in a windowless room too. Which, as we all know, is not easy to find and is probably what bonds bands together.

So we are thrilled that Andi agreed to become a permanent prunk and that we will continue our creative journey as a band, developing songs, sounds and ideas together.

PRUNK at the Kulturkeller Westend in Mai 2024

05-2024 | Kulturkeller – it was a blast!

It was a blast! We had such a great time performing our own music for the first time ever live and in the current line-up. We’re still speechless and full of endorphins.

All we can say right now is that we want more.

So in closing, many, many thanks to all of you cats, who showed up – despite the „Sorry Brudi, langes Wochenende, bin am Lago, weist scho…“, us not being part of the „Lange Nacht der Musik“ and the ESC being broadcasted at the same time. This party would not have been possible without you guys. We love you! Period.

Then, thanks to the Kulturkeller for giving us a chance and letting us rock the place. To Felipe, our sound engineer. To My Little Mayhem and Showbid for giving us mega support and making their own gigs so much fun. And finally to our drummer Andi, who put in an incredible 6 weeks to get through the whole program and rocked the gig like I’ve rarely experienced. That was great Tennis.

In any case, photos are available here and the one or other video from the event will follow soon. As always on our YouTube channel, which you have probably already subscribed to.

04-2024 | Kulturkeller line-up with MY LITTLE MAYHEM and SHOWBID

Great news again! MY LITTLE MAYHEM and SHOWBID will join us live on stage on May the 11th, at the Kulturkeller Westend. Case if you don’t know them yet, find hereby a couple of details regarding these two great live acts.


Mit seiner Musik will showbid zu ehrlicher Selbstreflektion in der Gesellschaft beitragen – egal ob auf großen Bühnen oder auf Augenhöhe in der Fußgängerzone. Aufgrund seiner authentischen Art ist er bereits beim Lokalfernsehen (Primtime-Interview mit Alexander Onken bei MünchenTV), im Radio (Bayern3, RBB, DeutschFM) und in diversen Zeitungen (Süddeutsche Zeitung) zu sehen/hören gewesen. Der Münchner Merkur bemerkt: „Ein Wortkünstler mit Ehrgeiz – Er formuliert seine Texte so präzise und geschickt, dass die verwendete Sprache die Inhalte der Lieder transportiert.“

My Little Mayhem

Obacht, das Chaos bricht aus! My Little Mayhem bringt mit einer explosiven Mischung aus kraftvoller Popmusik und eingängigen Saxophon-Hooks die Menge ordentlich zum Tanzen. Dabei überrascht die siebenköpfige Gruppe aus dem Münchner Osten mit Elementen aus den unterschiedlichsten Genres und begeistert ihre Fans mit einer ungeahnten musikalischen Vielfalt. Dass die Band auf der Bühne derart viel Energie und Spaß vermittelt, verdankt sie vor allem ihrem Motto: „Why so serious?“

. Seit 2021 ist die Band bei dem Essener Plattenlable Boersma Records unter Vertrag, mit denen sie das Album „Imperfection“ veröffentlichen, welches 2022 erscheint. Das Thema des neuen Albums bleibt ihrer Linie treu: Nimm dich nicht ganz so ernst und feiere deine Imperfektionen!

Guys, we are more than thrilled to celebrate this party together with these two flabbergasting live acts. Besides, entrance is free and the beer is quite affordable at the Kulturkeller! So, don’t miss it. Note that doors will open at 7:30 PM already! We’re looking forward to see you in May and have a great time together!

04-2024 | PRUNK at Mehr Davon Radio

Just to let you know, that we have been chosen to be part of the Newcomer Top-Twenty competition at Mehr Davon Radio. If you want to do some good, go HERE, scroll down to find ALIVE and leave a vote for your favorite Munich dance rock band. Very much appreciated!

You can leave your vote(s) until next Monday, April 8th by 10pm. If we make it, we will be part of the TopTwenty show on Tuesday, April the 9th.

03-2024 | HOT NOISE is out!

We’re more than thrilled to announce, that our debut album HOT NOISE has been officially released! You can find the EP at your usual music streaming or download services such as iTunes / Apple Music, Amazon, Deezer, Spotify, YouTube Music and many many more. This is so cool for us, really.

HOT NOISE - PRUNK band's debut album - Have a listen now!

Songs included on HOT NOISE (EP)

  1. Alive – A song about the first steps as an adult, whilst figuring out who you are and where you’re heading for.
  2. His Song – A song dedicated to two beautiful people, who left this world much too early.
  3. Sérénité – A song about, well, the most important thing in the world: LOVE.
  4. She – A song about someone, who had it all – trust, love, dreams – yet faced the unsettling question of how to trust life when everything can change so fast.

In addition, we released SHE at YouTube today. SHE is the forth song from our debut album HOT NOISE. A song about a woman, who had it all – trust, love, dreams – yet faced the unsettling question of how to trust life when everything can change so fast. Hope you like this new song as we do!

SHE – watch the video now at YouTube

03-2024 | We lost our drummer. What a bummer.

Yes, he jumped off the family boat. From one day to the other. Which, musicians being the drama kings & queens that they are, is something that happens every now and then. You feel me if you’re into bands. But this, actually, was quite a surprise. I don’t want to go into details – which sadly enough I can’t, since I don’t know any. All I know is that we had to start casting again, and thought, this won’t be easy.

But then, well, it happened. We found him! Stay tuned for updates.

Further to that, we were busy writing and recording new songs for you good people out there. The first one – She – is to be released March, the 3rd 2024 on YouTube.

And last but not least, we’re about to release our debut EP HOT NOISE We’ll keep you updated on this. So, still, big plans and great things ahead of us. Stay tuned for further updates. We remain thrilled for 2024.

02-2024 | What’s going on?

Following our first tracking and production sessions end of last year, we released our first three songs ALIVE, HIS SONG and SÉRÉNITÉ at Soundcloud and on YouTube. Have a listen or look and let us know what you think.

Sénénité – watch it now on YouTube

Further to that, we intend to start playing as many live shows as possible. Which, frankly speaking, is not an easy thing to do in Munich, as the amount of venues for newcomer bands like us, performing original music is decreasing constantly. But, that’s another story… For now, we’re happy to announce that we’re going to play at the Kulturkeller Westend on Mai, the 11th. Make sure to swing by. Details as well as gig updates will follow soon HERE

Furthermore, we’re constantly working on writing new songs and will head into a second demo recording session, probably around March or April. 3 more songs to be released on YouTube and SoundCloud then again. We’ll keep you posted on this too…

So, big plans and great things ahead of us. Stay tuned for further updates. We’re thrilled for 2024.

01-2024 | ALIVE video clip is online at YouTube!

We’re so proud to announce, that we did release our first official music video at YouTube. ALIVE is the first song of our debut album, to be released early 2024. A song about the first steps as an adult, whilst figuring out who you are and where you’re heading for. Have a look and let und know what you think.

12-2023 | Prunk?! Where to start…

Once upon a time … Chris, Johnny, Phil and Yiella came to meet and discovered their shared passion for music. In the coolest basement studio is where it all began.

Giesing proudly presents a new, fresh and unconventional music blend, that travels effortlessly through various genres in order to unite sounds, beats and grooves that will warm the heart and move your booty.

Currently, the band is working on its debut album, planned to be released in spring 2024.

So, stay tuned for good news, live show updates, audio and video files as well as bad-ass PRUNK wear and follow our journey on YouTube, Soundcloud and Instagram.